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Single Family Homes
CDC Preventing Chronic Health
by eliminating smoking in multi-family homes.
National and State Estimates of Secondhand Smoke Infiltration Among
U.S. Multiunit Housing Residents
Ask these questions before renting or buying a home.
(Above information provided by the
California Department of Health Services.)

 Many property owners and managers are not yet aware of the number of
residents who have illnesses that are seriously made worse by
secondhand tobacco smoke. Illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis, heart
disease, lupes, AIDS, cancer, as well as an enormous list of other
ailments can result in extreme suffering when residents live in an
adjoining unit to that of a smoker. Tobacco smoke is a gaseous
substance containing toxins in the fine particles that filter from
apartment to apartment. These toxins can even cause illnesses in
non-smoking residents that otherwise would have been avoided.

 When smoking is permitted in any building the smoke does not stay in
the home or area where the smoking occurs. When one person smokes in
an apartment there are over 4000 dangerous burning chemicals that will
filter their way through walls, electrical and plumbing fixtures,
doors and windows into every adjoining unit. According to a former
physicist with the EPA, 60% of the air in an apartment building is
shared by all residents, even with separate heating and air
conditioning units.

 It has been proven that even the most efficient construction,
patching, caulking, or use of air filtration systems cannot stop the
smoke with its chemicals from drifting throughout a building. The only
solution is to require that buildings where non-smokers live be
completely non-smoking.

 Surveys across the country have shown that over forty percent of
residents in multi-unit housing have experienced the problem of
tobacco smoke drifting into their home from that of a neighbor. Thirty
percent of those residents noted they, or someone they live with, had
a medical condition that is aggravated by tobacco smoke.
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Smoke-Free Housing
Consultants, Jacque
8810 Brae Crest Dr.,
San Antonio, Texas 78249-3835
Office / Fax: (210) 267-1227 /
Cell: (210) 383-3244
Email: consultant@s-fhc.com |
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